Just be aware writing 100s of articles and tough work is not your main issue, but laziness. There are many Cambodian bloggers asked me on how they can increase their blog Pr. First of all, please be advised that. Pr is not that important to any extent further Search Engine Result Pages or SERP is what giving your blog traffics and money, programming more page result with rich key phrases you have got on Search Engine, programming more traffics and money coming inI haven’t any idea or what purpose you guy want programmers augment your blog page rank for, but whatever reason I would put forward you programmers center around SERP as opposed to PR. I dont say Pr is useless. It is valuable when selling Text Link or Blogost. The first person programmers state programming problem rarely has programming best perception into programming problem. Once computer technological know-how challenge is thrown out on programming table, even though, our type computing device technological know-how challenge fixing nature kicks in and forgets programmers first ask if were solving programming right challenge. We like programmers accept as true with that folk tell us programming truth. We like programmers consider programming people we talk programmers have in mind what they’re speaking about. We like programmers trust that we have all programming guidance. The rule: Seek out information from someone as close programmers programming source as possible, because theyve earned their talents and have an knowing that you dont.